qualified by study
1qualified — qual‧i‧fied [ˈkwɒlfaɪd ǁ ˈkwɑː ] adjective 1. having suitable knowledge, experience, or qualifications, especially for a particular job: • highly qualified engineering staff 2. qualified agreement, approval etc is limited in some way, because… …
2Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor — Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor, also known as QDII, is a scheme relating to the capital market set up to allow financial institutions to invest in offshore markets such as securities and bonds. Similar to QFII (Qualified Foreign… …
3qualified — adj. 1 having completed a course of study VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, get ADVERB ▪ highly, well ▪ The teaching staf …
4Study Bible — A study Bible is an edition of the Bible prepared for the use of a serious student of the Bible. Such a Bible usually contains an extensive apparatus, which may contain such features as: * Annotations explaining difficult passages or points of… …
5qualified — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. competent, fit; limited, restricted. See qualification, justice, preparation. Ant., unqualified, inapt. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Limited] Syn. conditional, modified, with reservations; see… …
6Iraq Study Group — The Iraq Study group (ISG), also known as the Baker Hamilton Commission, [cite web|title=Conclusion First, Debate Afterwards|url=http://www.tws net.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/850ulqxz.asp|publisher=The Weekly Standard|date=2006 10… …
7Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study — The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) in Wassenaar, the Netherlands, is an independent research institute in the field of the humanities and social and behavioural sciences founded in 1970. The… …
8Institute for the Study of Academic Racism — The Institute for the Study of Academic Racism (ISAR) is an organization that monitors academics and academic related organizations that it accuses of racism. ISAR states in this capacity it serves as a resource center for scholars, legislators,… …
9work study — A systematic examination of human work processes, designed to identify the ways in which the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes can be improved. It usually consists of a method study to compare existing methods with proposed methods… …
10rabbi — rabbi1 /rab uy/, n., pl. rabbis. 1. the chief religious official of a synagogue, trained usually in a theological seminary and duly ordained, who delivers the sermon at a religious service and performs ritualistic, pastoral, educational, and… …