realms of fairy

  • 11Ethereal being — Water nymph by John Collier, 1923. Ethereal beings, according to some belief systems and occult theories, are mystic entities that usually are not made of ordinary matter. Despite the fact that they are believed to be essentially incorporeal,… …


  • 12Spyro the Dragon (series) — Spyro the Dragon is a popular platform game series starring the video game character Spyro, which was originally released for the Sony PlayStation. The first game was a huge success, and many sequels and spin off games followed. Spyro is a small… …


  • 13List of magicians in fantasy — Famous magicians in fantasy fiction include the following:Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends* Circe Greek sorceress * Merlin the famous wizard from Arthurian legends and their modern retellings. * Morgan le Fay an enchantress in both the Matter of… …


  • 14Dark elves in fiction — Elves, a word from Germanic mythology, are frequently featured in Fantasy fiction. In modern fiction, particularly because of the influence from J. R. R. Tolkien s The Lord of the Rings, elves are modeled mostly after his original description:… …


  • 15Gary Stadler — is a New Age pianist, composer, songwriter and producer, specializing in contemporary Celtic influenced themes and atmospheres. Stadler s six albums generally focus on imaginative concepts loosely based in Celtic mythology, especially stories of… …


  • 16Spyro (series) — Logo used for The Legend of Spyro trilogy series. Genres Platform (Original series Spin offs) Action (The Legend of Spyro) …


  • 17Эльфы (Средиземье) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Эльф (значения). Расы Средиземья Валар Майар Эльфы Люди Гномы Хоббиты Энты Орлы Орки Тролли Драконы Другие Эльфы …


  • 18List of fictional swords — In Arthurian fiction [ thumb|left|ArthurExcalibur).] Excalibur is featured in every tale of Arthur or Merlin ever written, in some form or another. The examples below list two of the more distinctive takes on Arthurian swords. Bernard Cornwell:… …


  • 19Dark Elves in fiction — Due at least partly to influence from the Dungeons Dragons role playing game, and perhaps also to the ever growing tendency toward synthesis of folklores, it is not uncommon for both Trows and Drow, along with black elves and dark elves, to be… …


  • 20Elves in fantasy fiction and games — In many works of modern fantasy, elves are a race of semi divine humanoid beings. Characteristics and common featuresModern fantasy literature has revived the elves as a race of semi divine beings of human stature who are friendly with animals.… …
