round out
1round out — (something) to complete something. The visit to the ancient temple was the perfect thing to round out our vacation. It s a good article but I would have rounded it out with a paragraph about repairing the damage from the earthquake …
2round out — verb 1. make bigger or better or more complete (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑fill out • Hypernyms: ↑enrich • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Something s something …
3round out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms round out : present tense I/you/we/they round out he/she/it rounds out present participle rounding out past tense rounded out past participle rounded out to make something more complete, especially by adding… …
4round out — {v. phr.} To complete; make whole. * /He needs only one or two more rare compact discs to round out his collection of Vivaldi./ …
5round out — {v. phr.} To complete; make whole. * /He needs only one or two more rare compact discs to round out his collection of Vivaldi./ …
6Round Out — Der Ausdruck Landung (Verb: „landen“; Wortursprung: das Schiff kommt an Land) bezeichnet das Aufsetzen eines Raum , Luft oder Wasserfahrzeuges auf dem Boden oder auf einer dafür vorgesehenen Landestelle. Die Landung ist ein Flugmanöver im aus dem …
7round out — verb a) to become rounder, plumper Here are some actual figures to round out the basic report. b) To make more complete by adding details …
8round\ out — v. phr. To complete; make whole. He needs only one or two more rare compact discs to round out his collection of Vivaldi …
9round out something — round out (something) to complete something. The visit to the ancient temple was the perfect thing to round out our vacation. It s a good article but I would have rounded it out with a paragraph about repairing the damage from the earthquake …
10round out — Synonyms and related words: accomplish, bag, balloon, belly, belly out, bilge, billow, bouge, bring to completion, bring to fruition, bug, bulge, button up, cap, carry to completion, clean up, climax, close out, close up, complete, conclude, cone …