secret methods
1Secret Methods — Марк Каро Mark Caro Фото в Knowledge Magazine Место рождения Бирмингем Страна …
2secret — adj Secret, covert, stealthy, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, underhand, underhanded are comparable when they mean done, carried on, operated, or accomplished so as not to attract attention or observation. Secret, the most general of these… …
3Secret police — (sometimes political police) are a police agency which operates in secrecy to maintain national security against internal threats to the state.Secret police forces are typically associated with totalitarian regimes, as they are often used to… …
4Methods of praying the rosary — Roman Catholic Mariology A series of articles on Rosary Blessed Virgin Mary Devotions spirituality Our Lady of the Rosary Battle of Lepanto History of the rosary Praying methods Rosary Scapular …
5Secret of the Rosary — The Secret of the Rosary is a book about the Holy Rosary written by Saint Louis de Montfort a French priest and Catholic saint who died in 1761. The book is approved by the Catholic church, the English translation bearing the Imprimatur of… …
6Secret broadcast — A secret broadcast is, simply put, a broadcast that is not for the consumption of the general public. The invention of the wireless was initially greeted as a boon by armies and navies. Units could now be coordinated by nearly instant… …
7Secret society — For other uses, see Secret society (disambiguation). Secret Society Buildings at Yale College , by Alice Donlevy[1] ca. 1880. Pictured are: Psi Upsilon (Beta Chapter), 120 High Street. Left center: Skull Bones (Russell Trust Association), 44 High …
8Secret societies in Singapore — Essay like|date=December 2007Secret societies in Singapore (Chinese: 公司, Pinyin: gōngsī) are generally Chinese in origin. They have been largely eradicated as a security issue in the city state. However many smaller groups remain today which… …
9secret — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French secré, secret, from Latin secretus, from past participle of secernere to separate, distinguish, from se apart + cernere to sift more at secede, certain Date: 14th century 1. a. kept from… …
10Secret Speech — On the evening of 25 February 1956, in what became known as the Secret Speech, Nikita Khrushchev spoke for several hours at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party on Joseph Stalin’s “Cult of Personality.” The speech was not approved by… …