short sighted
1short-sighted — adj 1.) especially BrE unable to see objects clearly unless they are very close American Equivalent: nearsighted ≠ ↑long sighted 2.) not considering the possible effects in the future of something that seems good now used to show disapproval ≠… …
2short-sighted — adjective 1. ) dealing with things that are happening now but failing to consider what will happen in the future: short sighted plans 2. ) NEARSIGHTED ╾ ,short sight|ed|ness noun uncount …
3short-sighted — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having short sight. 2) lacking imagination or foresight. DERIVATIVES short sightedly adverb short sightedness noun …
4short-sighted — also shortsighted 1) ADJ GRADED If you are short sighted, you cannot see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. [mainly BRIT] Testing showed her to be very short sighted. Syn: myopic Derived words …
5short-sighted — adjective 1 especially BrE unable to see objects clearly unless they are very close; nearsighted especially AmE opposite longsighted 2 not considering the possible effects of something that seems to save time, money, or effort at the moment: a… …
6short-sighted — UK / US adjective 1) British not able to see things clearly if they are far away from you 2) dealing with things that are happening now but failing to consider what will happen in the future short sighted plans Derived word: short sightedness… …
7short-sighted — adj. Short sighted is used with these nouns: ↑policy …
8short-sighted — short sight·ed || ‚ʃɔrt saɪtɪd /ʃɔËt limited in vision over distances, short visioned …
9short-sighted eye — trumparegė akis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. myopic eye; short sighted eye vok. kurzsichtiges Auge, n rus. близорукий глаз, m pranc. œil myope, m …
10short-sighted — adj 1. myopic, purblind, near sighted; weak eyed, dim eyed, mope eyed, lazy eyed; weak sighted, dim sighted, partially sighted, half blind. 2. unthinking, thoughtless, unmindful, heedless, regardless; reckless, rash, brash, headlong, pell mell,… …