staff of office

  • 91staff — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ full time, part time ▪ permanent, temporary (esp. BrE) ▪ skeleton ▪ We ll be down to a skeleton staff over Christmas …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 92staff — n. personnel 1) an administrative; coaching; editorial; hospital; medical; nursing; office; teaching staff 2) a skeleton staff 3) on the staff 4) (misc.) to join a staff (she joined the staff as an editor) group of officers serving a commander 5) …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 93Office of Net Assessment — The United States Department of Defense s Office of Net Assessment (ONA) was created in 1973. The Director of Net Assessment is the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense on net assessment matters.… …


  • 94Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel — The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Department of the Army, United States Army, also known as the G 1 is responsible for developing, management and execution of all manpower and personnel plans, programs and policies throughout …


  • 95Office of Financial Stability — The Office of Financial Stability is a new office within the Office of Domestic Finance of the United States Treasury created by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to operate the Troubled Assets Relief Program.[1] OFS is headed by… …


  • 96office — of|fice W1S1 [ˈɔfıs US ˈo: , ˈa: ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(building)¦ 2¦(room)¦ 3 office hours 4¦(job)¦ 5 Office 6¦(place for information)¦ 7¦(doctor)¦ 8 somebody s good offices/the good offices of somebody ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 97Office of Intelligence Policy and Review — The Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR) is a staff agency within the United States Department of Justice. This government agency handles all Justice Department requests for surveillance authorizations under the terms of the 1978… …


  • 98Office of the Law Revision Counsel — The Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives prepares and publishes the United States Code, which is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States …


  • 99Office for Civil Rights — The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is a sub agency of the U.S. Department of Education that is primarily focused on protecting civil rights in Federally assisted education programs and prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color,… …


  • 100office — officeless, adj. /aw fis, of is/, n. 1. a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted: the main office of an insurance company; a doctor s office. 2. a… …
