utter loudly or vehemently

  • 1vociferate — I. v. n. 1. Cry, bawl, roar, cry out, exclaim, cry out with vehemence. 2. Rant, mouth. II. v. a. Cry aloud, roar out, utter loudly or vehemently …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 2exclaim — verb Etymology: Middle French exclamer, from Latin exclamare, from ex + clamare to cry out more at claim Date: 1566 intransitive verb 1. to cry out or speak in strong or sudden emotion < exclaimed in delight > 2. to speak loudly or vehemently < …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 3squawk — squawker, n. /skwawk/, v.i. 1. to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a duck or other fowl when frightened. 2. Informal. to complain loudly and vehemently. v.t. 3. to utter or give forth with a squawk. n. 4. a loud, harsh cry or sound. 5. Informal. a&#8230; …


  • 4squawk — [[t]skwɔk[/t]] v. i. 1) anb to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a duck or other fowl when frightened 2) inf to complain loudly and vehemently 3) to utter or give forth with a squawk 4) a loud, harsh cry or sound 5) inf a loud, vehement complaint •&#8230; …

    From formal English to slang

  • 5squawk — I. intransitive verb Etymology: probably blend of squall and squeak Date: 1821 1. to utter a harsh abrupt scream 2. to complain or protest loudly or vehemently < opponents of the bill squawked > • squawker noun II …

    New Collegiate Dictionary

  • 6squawk — /skwɔk / (say skwawk) verb (i) 1. to utter a loud, harsh cry, as a duck or other fowl when frightened. 2. Colloquial to complain loudly and vehemently. –verb (t) 3. to give forth with a squawk. –noun 4. a loud, harsh cry or sound. 5. Colloquial a …

  • 7vociferate — [vō sif′ər āt΄] vt., vi. vociferated, vociferating [&LT; L vociferatus, pp. of vociferari, to cry out &LT; vox,VOICE + ferre, to BEAR1] to utter or shout loudly or vehemently; bawl; clamor vociferation n. vociferator n …

    English World dictionary

  • 8international relations — a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations. [1970 75] * * * Study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations and certain subnational entities (e.g., bureaucracies and political&#8230; …


  • 9Characters of Deadwood — In universe subject = described object = an aspect of the series category = This article contains fictional character biographies from the HBO original series Deadwood .Major characterseth Bullock Seth Bullock (Timothy Olyphant) left his&#8230; …


  • 10Cried — Cry Cry (kr[imac]), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Cried} (kr[imac]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crying}.] [F. crier, cf. L. quiritare to raise a plaintive cry, scream, shriek, perh. fr. queri to complain; cf. Skr. cvas to pant, hiss, sigh. Cf. {Quarrel} a brawl,&#8230; …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English