1green — greenage, n. greenly, adv. /green/, adj., greener, greenest, n., v. adj. 1. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves. 2. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields. 3. characterized by the …
2green — [[t]grin[/t]] adj. green•er, green•est 1) of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves[/ex] 2) covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields[/ex] 3) cvb characterized by verdure: a green… …
3chlo|ro|phyl — chlo|ro|phyll or chlo|ro|phyl «KLR uh fihl, KLOHR », noun. the green coloring matter of plants. In the presence of light it makes carbohydrates, such as starch and sugar, from carbon dioxide and water, a process called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll …
4chlo|ro|phyll — or chlo|ro|phyl «KLR uh fihl, KLOHR », noun. the green coloring matter of plants. In the presence of light it makes carbohydrates, such as starch and sugar, from carbon dioxide and water, a process called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll usually… …
5chlorophyll — (n.) green coloring matter in plants, 1819, from Fr. chlorophyle (1818), coined by Fr. chemists Pierre Joseph Pelletier (1788 1842) and Joseph Bienaimé Caventou (1795 1877) from Gk. khloros pale green (see CHLOE (Cf. Chloe)) + phyllon a leaf (see …
6fecula — n. 1. Starch, farina. 2. Chlorophyll, green coloring matter of plants …
7chlorophyll — The magnesium complex of the phorbin derivative found in photosynthetic organisms; light absorbing green plant pigments that, in living plants, convert light energy into oxidizing and reducing power, thus fixing CO2 and evolving O2; the naturally …
8chlorophyll — chlorophylloid, adj. /klawr euh fil, klohr /, n. Bot., Biochem. the green coloring matter of leaves and plants, essential to the production of carbohydrates by photosynthesis, and occurring in a bluish black form, C55H72MgN4O5 (chlorophyll a),… …
9Anthotype — An Anthotype is a image created using photosensitive material from plants. This process was originally invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842. An emulsion is made from crushed flower petals or any other light sensitive plant, fruit or vegetable. A …
10xanthophyll — Oxygenated derivative of carotene; a yellow plant pigment, occurring also in egg yolk and corpus luteum. SYN: lutein (2), luteol, luteole. * * * xan·tho·phyll zan thə .fil n any of several neutral yellow to orange carotenoid pigments that are… …