

English syllables. 2014.

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  • neurobiologically — adverb see neurobiology …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sluggish cognitive tempo — (SCT) is an unformalized descriptive term which is used to better identify what appears to be a homogeneous sub subgroup within the formal subgroup ADHD predominantly inattentive (ADHD I or ADHD PI) classification in the Diagnostic and… …   Wikipedia

  • Speech repetition — Children copy with their own mouths the words spoken by the mouths of those around them. This enables them to learn the pronunciation of words not already in their vocabulary. Speech repetition is the saying by one individual of the spoken… …   Wikipedia

  • Tiempo cognitivo lento — El llamado tiempo cognitivo lento (TCL) es un término descriptivo que se utiliza para identificar mejor lo que parece ser un grupo homogéneo dentro de la clasificación que del TDAH con predominio de falta de atención (TDAH I o TDAH PI) hace el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • neurobiology — neurobiological /noor oh buy euh loj i keuhl/, adj. neurobiologically, adv. neurobiologist, n. /noor oh buy ol euh jee, nyoor /, n. the branch of biology that is concerned with the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. [1905 10; NEURO +… …   Universalium

  • neurobiological — I adjective of or relating to the biological study of the nervous system • Pertains to noun: ↑neurobiology • Derivationally related forms: ↑neurobiology II adverb with respect to neurobiology explain the phenomenon neurobiologically …   Useful english dictionary

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