- notungulata
- no·tun·gu·la·ta
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
notungulata — nōˌtəŋgyəˈläd.ə, lād.ə Etymology: New Latin, from not (II) + Ungulata synonym of notoungulata … Useful english dictionary
notungulate — /noʊˈtʌŋgjulət/ (say noh tunggyoohluht) adjective of an order, Notungulata, of extinct herbivorous mammals. Also, notoungulate. {New Latin Notungulata, variant of Notoungulata, from noto (from Greek notos) the south + ungulata ungulate} …
notungulate — /noh tung gyeuh lit, layt /, n., adj. notoungulate. [ < NL Notungulata (var. of Notoungulata) name of order, equiv. to not(o) ( < Gk nótos the south) + ungulata UNGULATE] * * * … Universalium
Säugetiere — Säugetiere, Säuger, Mammalia, mit mehr als 4 000 Arten in 20 Ordnungen und 130 Familien in allen Biotopen weltweit verbreitete, höchstentwickelte Klasse der Wirbeltiere. Größe und Gewicht variieren von 3 cm Körperlänge und 2 g Gewicht (kleinste … Universal-Lexikon
notungulate — variant of notoungulate * * * /noh tung gyeuh lit, layt /, n., adj. notoungulate. [ < NL Notungulata (var. of Notoungulata) name of order, equiv. to not(o) ( < Gk nótos the south) + ungulata UNGULATE] … Useful english dictionary
no|tun|gu|late — «noh TUHNG gyuh layt», adjective, noun. –adj. of or belonging to a group of extinct herbivorous mammals abundant in South America during the Cenozoic era. –n. a notungulate animal. ╂[< New Latin Notungulata the order name < Greek nôton the… … Useful english dictionary