- ochone
- och·one
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ochone — [ə khōn′] interj. [Scot. or Irish] alas; woe … English World dictionary
ochone — int. (also ohone) Sc. & Ir. expressing regret or lament. Etymology: Gael. & Ir. ochoacutein * * * äˈḵōn interjection Etymology: Scottish Gaelic & Irish Gaelic ochōn Irish & Scotland used as an exclamation of regret or grief * * * /euh khohn /,… … Useful english dictionary
ochone — /euh khohn /, interj. Scot. and Irish Eng. ohone. * * * … Universalium
ochone — interj. (Irish and Scottish) ohone, exclamation expressing regret, alas, cry that expresses sorrow … English contemporary dictionary
ochone — [əʊ həʊn, ɒ xəʊn] (also ohone) exclamation Irish & Scottish literary used to express regret or sorrow. Origin from Sc. Gaelic ochòin, Ir. ochón … English new terms dictionary
Campbeltown Loch — (Scottish Gaelic: Loch Chille Chiarain) is a small sea loch near the south of the Kintyre Peninsula facing eastwards towards the Firth of Clyde. The town of Campbeltown, from which it takes its name, is located at its head. The island of Davaar… … Wikipedia
Joseph O'Mara — (16 July 1864 – August 5 1927) was an Irish opera singer of the Victorian era.BiographyBorn at Limerick, Ireland, O Mara was the second youngest of thirteen children, [… … Wikipedia
The Night Before Larry Was Stretched — is an Irish execution ballad written in the Newgate cant.AuthorThe ballad is estimated to have been written around 1816. Will (Hurlfoot) Maher, a shoemaker from Waterford, wrote the song, though Dr. Robert Burrowes, the Dean of St. Finbar’s Cork … Wikipedia
ohone — /euh khohn /, interj. Scot. and Irish Eng. alas! Also, ochone. [1470 80; < ScotGael ochan, Ir ochón; cf. OCH] * * * … Universalium
BENEFICIARII — Festo dicuntur, qui vacationem munerum habebant, beneficio, adeoque munificibus opponuntur. Hinc in veterib. Monumentis, Beneficiarii Praesidum, Praefectorum, Consulum, Proconsulum, et Legatorum Tribunorumque, inter quos Beneficiarii Tribunorum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale