- ophthalmotrope
- oph·thal·mo·trope
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ophthalmotrope — A model of the two eyes, to each of which are attached weighted cords pulling in the direction of the six extrinsic eye muscles; used to demonstrate the action of the ocular muscles singly or in various combinations. [ophthalmo + G. tropos, a… … Medical dictionary
ophthalmotrope — ̷ ̷ˈthalmə.ˌtrōp noun ( s) Etymology: ophthalm + trope : a mechanical eye for demonstrating the movement of the eye muscles … Useful english dictionary
Hermann Jakob Knapp — (March 17, 1832 1911) was a German American ophthalmologist who was born in Dauborn, Nassau. He earned his medical degree from the University of Giessen in 1854. As a young physician he studied with Franciscus Cornelis Donders in Utrecht, William … Wikipedia
Christian Georg Theodor Ruete — (May 2, 1810 June 23, 1867) was a German ophthalmologist who was a native of Scharmbeck, Lower Saxony. In 1841 he became an associate professor at the University of Göttingen, receiving the title of full professor in 1847. Afterwards he was a… … Wikipedia
oftalmótropo — Eng. Ophthalmotrope Ver oftalmotropómetro … Diccionario de oftalmología