- pallanesthesia
- pall·anesthesia
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pallanesthesia — Absence of pallesthesia. SYN: apallesthesia. [G. pallo, to quiver, + anaisthesia, insensibility] * * * pall·an·es·the·sia (pal″ən es theґzhə) [Gr. pallein to shake + anesthesia] loss or lack of pallesthesia (vibration sense).… … Medical dictionary
pallanesthesia — ˌpal+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from Greek pallein to shake, brandish + New Latin anesthesia more at polemic : loss of sensitivity to vibrational stimulus (as from a tuning fork) … Useful english dictionary
apallesthesia — SYN: pallanesthesia. [G. a priv. + pallo, to tremble, quiver, + aisthesis, feeling] * * * apal·les·the·sia (ə pal″es theґzhə) pallanesthesia … Medical dictionary