

English syllables. 2014.

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  • pallidofugal — pal·li·do·fu·gal .pal əd ō fyü gəl, .pal i däf yə gəl adj of a nerve fiber or impulse passing out of the globus pallidus * * * pal·li·dof·u·gal (pal″ĭ dofґu gəl) [pallidum + fugal2] conducting impulses away from the globus… …   Medical dictionary

  • pallidofugal — pallido|fuga̱l [zu ↑Pallidum u. lat. fugere = fliehen]: vom Pallidum wegziehend (z. B. von Nervenbahnen gesagt) …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • pallidofugal — |palə(ˌ)dō|fyügəl, lə|däfyəg adjective Etymology: pallido + fugal of a nerve fiber or impulse : passing out of the globus pallidus …   Useful english dictionary

  • pallidofugal fibers — nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the globus pallidus across the internal capsule and fields of Forel to the thalamus and nearby areas; see also ansa lenticularis and fasciculus lenticularis …   Medical dictionary

  • Deep brain stimulation — Intervention DBS probes shown in X ray of the skull (white areas around maxilla and mandible represent metal dentures and are unrelated to DBS devices) …   Wikipedia

  • Primate basal ganglia system — The primate basal ganglia system is a symmetrical major cerebral system that has only recently been recognized. In the past, part of it was presented as motor or extrapyramidal , complementary to the corticospinal (pyramidal) system. Contrary to… …   Wikipedia

  • Isothalamus — The isothalamus is a division used by some researchers in describing the thalamus. [Percheron, G. (2003) Thalamus . In Paxinos, G. and May, J.(eds). The human nervous system . 2d Ed. Elsevier. Amsterdam. pp.592 675] .The isothalamus constitutes… …   Wikipedia

  • Système des ganglions de la base du primate — Ganglions de la base Le système des ganglions de la base correspond à un ensemble pair de noyaux interconnectés entre eux au sein du système nerveux. Ils sont principalement situés aux étages télencéphalique et diencéphalique. Ces noyaux… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Thalamus humain — Vue en tridimensionnelle du thalamus humain (en rouge) Le thalamus (du grec θαλαμος = chambre) constitue un volumineux noyau ovoïde, d origine diencéphalique, pair et symétrique de chaque côté du troisième ventricule. Il se subdivise en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… …   Medical dictionary

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