- panoramically
- pan·o·ram·i·cal·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
panoramically — panorama ► NOUN 1) an unbroken view of a surrounding region. 2) a complete survey of a subject or sequence of events. DERIVATIVES panoramic adjective panoramically adverb. ORIGIN from Greek pan all + horama view … English terms dictionary
panoramically — adverb see panorama … New Collegiate Dictionary
panoramically — See panoramic. * * * … Universalium
panoramically — adverb In a panoramic way … Wiktionary
panoramically — adv. in a panoramic manner, in a manner that allows a wide view in al directions … English contemporary dictionary
panoramically — adverb see panoramic … Useful english dictionary
panorama — noun Etymology: pan + Greek horama sight, from horan to see more at wary Date: 1796 1. a. cyclorama 1 b. a picture exhibited a part at a time by being unrolled before the spectator 2. a. an unobstructed or complete view of an area in every… … New Collegiate Dictionary
The Meadow Building — The Meadow Building, Christ Church … Wikipedia
Armies and Hosts of Middle-earth warfare — In J. R. R. Tolkien s fictional Middle earth much of the history of the three ages of his legendarium are concerned with wars and the battles and armies of those wars. Tolkien, as a writer, adopts various modes in the books from the very… … Wikipedia
panorama — panoramic, adj. panoramically, adv. /pan euh ram euh, rah meuh/, n. 1. an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions. 2. an extended pictorial representation or a cyclorama of a landscape or other scene, often exhibited a… … Universalium