- parashah
- pa·ra·shah
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
parashah — [pär′ə shä΄] n. pl. parashoth [pär′əshōt΄] [Heb pārāshāh, lit., an explanation: akin to perish > PHARISEE] 1. a) any of the sections into which the Pentateuch is divided for reading during a year in the synagogue on the Sabbath b) any of… … English World dictionary
Parashah — Par a*shah, n.; pl. { shoth}or { shioth}. [Heb. p[=a]r[=a]sh[=a]h.] A lesson from the Torah, or Law, from which at least one section is read in the Jewish synagogue on every Sabbath and festival. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parashah — EstherThe book of Esther is traditionally read by Jews on the holiday of Purim from a handwritten scroll on parchment that must be halakhically valid. This means that the rules of open and closed parashot are of more practical relevance for… … Wikipedia
parashah — noun Etymology: Hebrew pārāshāh, literally, explanation Date: circa 1624 a passage in Jewish Scripture dealing with a single topic; specifically a section of the Torah assigned for weekly reading in synagogue worship … New Collegiate Dictionary
Parashah — /pahr euh shah , pahr sheuh/; Seph. Heb. /pah rddah shah /; Ashk. Heb. /pahrdd sheuh/, n., pl. Parashoth, Parashot Seph. Heb. /pah rddah shawt /, Parashioth, Parashiot Seph. Heb. /pah rddah shee awt /, Eng., Ashk. Heb. Parashahs /pahr euh shahz … Universalium
parashah — pa•ra•shah [[t]ˈpɑr əˌʃɑ[/t]] n. pl. pa•ra•shoth, pa•ra•shot [[t]ˌpɑr əˈʃoʊt[/t]] 1) jud a portion of the Torah read in the synagogue on the Sabbath and holy days 2) jud a selection from such a portion • Etymology: 1620–30; < Heb pārāshāh lit … From formal English to slang
Parashah (disambiguation) — The Hebrew word parashah (plural: parashot or parashiyyot ) narrowly means section , portion , or event . It usually refers to one of the following:#In rabbinic literature, halakhah and biblical studies, parashah properly refers to a section in… … Wikipedia
parashah — /ˈpærəʃa/ (say paruhshah) noun (plural parashoth /ˈpærəʃoʊθ/ (say paruhshohth) or parashioth /pærəˈʃioʊθ/ (say paruh sheeohth)) 1. one of the lessons from the Torah or Law read in the Jewish synagogue on Sabbaths and festivals. 2. one of the… …
parashah — … Useful english dictionary
-shioth — Parashah Par a*shah, n.; pl. { shoth}or { shioth}. [Heb. p[=a]r[=a]sh[=a]h.] A lesson from the Torah, or Law, from which at least one section is read in the Jewish synagogue on every Sabbath and festival. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English