- pastorality
- pas·to·ral·i·ty
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pastorality — ˌpastəˈraləd.ē noun ( es) : something pastoral : a pastoral object or quality … Useful english dictionary
provincialism — Synonyms and related words: Acadian, Anglo Indian, Brooklynese, Cajun, Canadian French, Cockney, French Canadian, Gullah, Midland, Midland dialect, New England dialect, Pennsylvania Dutch, Yankee, Yorkshire, agrarianism, authoritarianism,… … Moby Thesaurus
simplicity — Synonyms and related words: Attic simplicity, Atticism, Bohemianism, abatement, abridgment, affability, agnosticism, agrarianism, alleviation, amentia, appropriateness, arrested development, artlessness, asceticism, attenuation, austereness,… … Moby Thesaurus
churlishness — n 1. rusticity, ruralism, agrarianism; pastoralism, pastorality, bucolicism; inurbanity, back woodsiness, provincialism, provinciality, yokelism, Sl. hickishness; hominess, homeliness, homishness, Inf. folksiness. 2. boorishness, loutishness,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
rusticity — n 1. ruralism, agrarianism, agricultural ism; pastoralism, pastorality, bucolicism, provincialism, provinciality. 2. plainness, simplicity, modesty, unspoiledness, unpretentiousness, unaffectedness, normality, normalcy, informality;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pastoral — adj. & n. adj. 1 of, relating to, or associated with shepherds or flocks and herds. 2 (of land) used for pasture. 3 (of a poem, picture, etc.) portraying country life, usu. in a romantic or idealized form. 4 of or appropriate to a pastor. n. 1 a… … Useful english dictionary