

English syllables. 2014.

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  • patriliny — /pa treuh luy nee, pay /, n., pl. patrilinies. the tracing of descent exclusively through the male members of a family. [1905 10; PATRILIN(EAL) + Y3] * * * …   Universalium

  • patriliny — n. descent on the side of the father …   English contemporary dictionary

  • patriliny — ˈpa.trəˌlīnē, ˈpā. noun ( es) Etymology: patrilineal + y : the practice of tracing descent through the father s line contrasted with matriliny …   Useful english dictionary

  • Indian tribes (India) — The tribal belt of north west India includes the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Karnataka. The tribal people of this region have origins which precede the Vedic Aryan people of the north and the Dravidian people of the south. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Polynesian navigation — was a system of navigation used by Polynesians to routinely make long voyages across thousands of miles of open ocean. Navigators traveled to small inhabited islands using only their own senses and knowledge passed by oral tradition from… …   Wikipedia

  • Rabha — is a little known Scheduled Tribe community of West Bengal and Assam. The language/dialect spoken by the Rabha people is also of the same name. In West Bengal, Rabha people are mainly found in Jalpaiguri district and Cooch Behar district.… …   Wikipedia

  • Parentado — is a principle of kinship tie that was practiced in early Modern Europe. It is Italian for kin. It suggests power that is gained through the alliance of marriage, along with the exchange of dowries and women (as well as the power and influence a… …   Wikipedia

  • Casato — is the principle of kinship tie practiced in early modern Europe. Casato focuses on the vertical lineage passed on from fathers to sons. It is also known as the agnatic perspective. This is different from the opposing term parentado which… …   Wikipedia

  • Polynesia — (from Greek: πολύς many , νῆσος island ) is a subregion of Oceania, comprising a large grouping of over 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean. DefinitionPolynesia is generally defined as the islands within the… …   Wikipedia

  • РЕДЖАНГ-ЛАМПУНГИ — собирательное назв. для группы народностей и племен, населяющих Ю. З. и Ю. о. Суматра. У собственно реджангов (240 тыс. чел., 1961) есть черты, сближающие их с батаками, а также с минангкабау. Т. н. лампунги (абунги и пубианы, св. 350 тыс. чел. в …   Советская историческая энциклопедия

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