- phagocytic
- phago·cyt·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
phagocytic — phagocyte ► NOUN ▪ a type of body cell which engulfs and absorbs bacteria and other small particles. DERIVATIVES phagocytic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek phago eating + kutos vessel … English terms dictionary
phagocytic — adjective capable of functioning as a phagocyte • Pertains to noun: ↑phagocyte • Derivationally related forms: ↑phagocyte * * * | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|sid.ik adjective : having the ability to phagocytize : capable of functioning as phagocytes * * * phagocytic … Useful english dictionary
phagocytic index — n a measure of phagocytic activity determined by counting the number of bacteria ingested per phagocyte during a limited period of incubation of a suspension of bacteria and phagocytes in serum * * * any arbitrary measure of the ability of… … Medical dictionary
phagocytic index — n. the average number of bacteria ingested per leukocyte in an incubated mixture of normal or immune serum, bacteria, and normal leukocytes … English World dictionary
phagocytic index — noun : a measure of phagocytic activity determined by counting the number of bacteria ingested per phagocyte during a limited period of incubation of a suspension of bacteria and phagocytes in serum * * * the average number of bacteria ingested… … Useful english dictionary
phagocytic vesicle — Membrane bounded vesicle enclosing a particle internalised by a phagocyte. The primary phagocytic vesicle (phagosome) will subsequently fuse with lysosomes to form a secondary phagosome in which digestion will occur … Dictionary of molecular biology
phagocytic dysfunction disorders — a group of immunodeficiency conditions characterized by disordered phagocytic activity; disorders may be extrinsic (e.g., suppression of the number of phagocytes by immunosuppressive agents, or dysfunction caused by corticosteroids) or intrinsic… … Medical dictionary
phagocytic — adjective see phagocyte … New Collegiate Dictionary
phagocytic — See phagocyte. * * * … Universalium
phagocytic — adjective Of or pertaining to phagocytes or phagocytosis … Wiktionary
phagocytic — Relating to phagocytes or phagocytosis. * * * phago·cyt·ic .fag ə sit ik adj having the ability to engulf by phagocytosis: capable of functioning as phagocytes * * * phago·cyt·ic (fa″go sitґik) 1. pertaining to or exhibiting phagocytosis. 2 … Medical dictionary