- philosophastry
- phi·los·o·phas·try
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
philosophastry — trē noun ( es) Etymology: philosophaster + y : spurious or pretended philosophy … Useful english dictionary
aesthetics — Synonyms and related words: artistic taste, axiology, casuistry, connoisseurship, cosmology, dilettantism, epicureanism, epicurism, epistemology, ethics, expertise, expertism, first philosophy, friandise, gastronomy, gnosiology, logic, mental… … Moby Thesaurus
casuistry — Synonyms and related words: Christian ethics, Stoicism, aesthetics, altruistic ethics, apologetics, apologia, apology, apparent soundness, aretaics, argument, argumentation, axiology, bicker, bickering, categorical imperative, circularity,… … Moby Thesaurus
cosmology — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, astrogony, axiology, big bang theory, casuistry, continuous creation theory, cosmic evolution, cosmic philosophy, cosmism, cosmogony, cosmography, epistemology, ethics, expanding universe theory, first… … Moby Thesaurus
epistemology — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, axiology, casuistry, cosmology, ethics, first philosophy, gnosiology, logic, mental philosophy, metaphysics, moral philosophy, ontology, phenomenology, philosophastry, philosophic doctrine, philosophic… … Moby Thesaurus
ethics — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, allegiance, assigned task, axiology, bounden duty, burden, business, call of duty, casuistry, charge, commitment, cosmology, dedication, deference, devoir, devotion, duties and responsibilities, duty,… … Moby Thesaurus
logic — Synonyms and related words: Aristotelian logic, Boolean algebra, Ramistic logic, admissibility, aesthetics, algebra of classes, algebra of relations, axiology, casuistry, common sense, cosmology, deduction, dialectic, dialectics, doctrine of… … Moby Thesaurus
metaphysics — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, axiology, casuistry, cosmology, epistemology, ethics, existentialism, first philosophy, gnosiology, hyperphysics, logic, mental philosophy, moral philosophy, ontology, phenomenology, philosophastry,… … Moby Thesaurus
ontology — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, axiology, casuistry, cosmology, epistemology, ethics, existentialism, first philosophy, gnosiology, logic, mental philosophy, metaphysics, moral philosophy, phenomenology, philosophastry, philosophic… … Moby Thesaurus
phenomenology — Synonyms and related words: aesthetics, axiology, casuistry, cosmology, epistemology, ethics, first philosophy, gnosiology, logic, mental philosophy, metaphysics, moral philosophy, ontology, philosophastry, philosophic doctrine, philosophic… … Moby Thesaurus