- physiocracy
- phys·i·oc·ra·cy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
physiocracy — n. government that does not interfere with the operation of supposed natural laws. ♦ physiocrat, n. advocate (especially French, 18th century) of physiocracy … Dictionary of difficult words
physiocracy — government according to natural laws or principles Forms of Government … Phrontistery dictionary
physiocracy — fɪzɪ É‘krÉ™sɪ / É’k n. economic system that favors free enterprise and views land as the basis of all wealth … English contemporary dictionary
physiocracy — n. (pl. ies) hist. 1 government according to the natural order, esp. as advocated by some 18th c. economists. 2 a society based on this. Derivatives: physiocrat n. physiocratic adj. Etymology: F physiocratie (as PHYSIO , CRACY) … Useful english dictionary
Физиократия — PHYSIOCRACY Школа экономической мысли, в основе которой лежат идеи французских экономистов XVIII века (Ф. Кенэ, А.Тюрго и др.). Единственным источником богатства они считали землю и придавали большое значение «естественному порядку» в обществе,… … Словарь-справочник по экономике
Factors of production — In economics, factors of production means inputs and finished goods means output. Input determines the quantity of output i.e. output depends upon input. Input is the starting point and output is the end point of production process and such input … Wikipedia
Physiocrats — The physiocrats were a group of economists who believed that the wealth of nations was derived solely from the value of land agriculture or land development. Their theories originated in France and were most popular during the second half of the… … Wikipedia
Land value tax — Land value taxation (LVT) (or site value taxation) is an ad valorem tax where only the value of land itself is taxed. This ignores buildings, improvements, and personal property. Because of this, LVT is different from other property taxes which… … Wikipedia
Manuel Belgrano — For other uses, see Belgrano (disambiguation). Manuel Belgrano Portrait of Manuel Belgrano by Francois Casimir Carbonnier made during Belgrano s diplomatic mission to London Committee member of the Primera Junta … Wikipedia
Agrarianism — has two common meanings. The first meaning refers to a social philosophy or political philosophy which values rural society as superior to urban society, the independent farmer as superior to the paid worker, and sees farming as a way of life… … Wikipedia