- picloram
- pi·clo·ram
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
picloram — [pik′lə ram΄, pī′kləram΄] n. an extremely toxic herbicide and defoliant, C6H3Cl3N2O2, that persists in the soil and is slow to break down … English World dictionary
Picloram — chembox new ImageFile = Picloram.png ImageSize = IUPACName = 4 Amino 3,5,6 trichloro 2 pyridinecarboxylic acid OtherNames = Picloram Tordon Grazon Section1 = Chembox Identifiers Abbreviations = ATCP CASNo = 1918 02 1 EINECS = PubChem = SMILES =… … Wikipedia
Picloram — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Picloram Andere Namen 4 Am … Deutsch Wikipedia
picloram — noun Etymology: picolinic acid (acid obtained by oxidation of picoline) + chlor + amine Date: 1965 a systemic herbicide C6H3Cl3N2O2 that is persistent in the soil … New Collegiate Dictionary
picloram — /pik leuh ram , puy kleuh /, n. Chem. a colorless powder, C6H3Cl3N2O2, used as a systemic herbicide for controlling annual weeds and deep rooted perennials on noncrop land. [1960 65; reverse compound from am(inotrich)lor(o)pic(olinic acid); see… … Universalium
picloram — noun The herbicide 4 amino 3,5,6 trichloropicolinic acid … Wiktionary
Picloram — Pi|c|lo|ram [Kurzw. aus 4 Amino 3,5,6 trichlorpicolinsäure], das; s: Common Name für ein Herbizid u. Entlaubungsmittel (Agent White) … Universal-Lexikon
picloram — pi·clo·ram pik lə .ram, pīk n a systemic herbicide C6H3Cl3N2O2 that breaks down very slowly in the soil … Medical dictionary
picloram — /pɪˈklɔrəm/ (say pi klawruhm) noun a herbicide, 4 amino 3, 5,6 trichloropicolinic acid, used for the control of woody vegetation and noxious weeds. {a reverse compound from am(inotrich)lor(o)pic(olonic) acid} …
picloram — ˈpikləˌram, ˈpīk noun ( s) Etymology: picoline + chlor + amine : a systemic herbicide C6H3Cl3N2O2 that breaks down only very slowly in the soil … Useful english dictionary