- picule
- pic·ule
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
picule — noun see piculet * * * picule rare 0. (ˈpɪkjuːl) [dim. f. L. pīcus woodpecker.] = next. in Cent. Dict … Useful english dictionary
piculă — picúlă, picúle, s.f. (reg.) fluier (de cântat). Trimis de blaurb, 19.09.2006. Sursa: DAR … Dicționar Român
pic|u|let — «PIHK yuh liht», noun. any one of a group of small, soft tailed birds of tropical regions, related to and resembling the woodpeckers. ╂[< obsolete picule (< Latin pīcus woodpecker) + et] … Useful english dictionary