- pipe-clayish
- pipe-clay·ish
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
pipe-clayish — ish, ēsh adjective Etymology: pipe clay + ish 1. : manifesting cleanliness or spruceness 2. : formally and stiffly military (as in appearance, manner) … Useful english dictionary
pipe-clayey — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ē, i adjective Etymology: pipe clay + y : pipe clayish … Useful english dictionary
Clay — n. 1 a stiff sticky earth, used for making bricks, pottery, ceramics, etc. 2 poet. the substance of the human body. 3 (in full clay pipe) a tobacco pipe made of clay. Phrases and idioms: clay pan Austral. a natural hollow in clay soil, retaining… … Useful english dictionary
clay — n. 1 a stiff sticky earth, used for making bricks, pottery, ceramics, etc. 2 poet. the substance of the human body. 3 (in full clay pipe) a tobacco pipe made of clay. Phrases and idioms: clay pan Austral. a natural hollow in clay soil, retaining… … Useful english dictionary