-ploid — [ploid] [< Gr ploos, fold + OID] combining form of or being a (specified) multiple of the basic (haploid) number of chromosomes characteristic of a group of related organisms [monoploid] … English World dictionary
-ploid — combining form Biology denoting the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell: triploid. Origin based on (ha)ploid and (di)ploid … English new terms dictionary
-ploid — adjective combining form Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from diploid and haploid having or being a chromosome number that bears (such) a relationship to or is (so many) times the basic chromosome number of a given group … New Collegiate Dictionary
-ploid — a combining form meaning having chromosome sets of the kind or number specified by the initial element: hexaploid. [extracted from HAPLOID, DIPLOID, etc.] * * * … Universalium
-ploid — Multiple in form; its combinations are used both adjectivally and substantively of a (specified) multiple of chromosomes. [G. plo , fold, + ides, in form; L. ploïdeus] * * * [from diploid and haploid] a word termination denoting (in adjectives)… … Medical dictionary
-ploid — aff. a combining form meaning “having chromosome sets” of the kind or number specified by the initial element: hexaploid[/ex] • Etymology: extracted from haploid … From formal English to slang
-ploid — a word element used in cytology and genetics referring to the number of chromosomes as diploid. {Greek ploos (equivalent to English suffix fold) + (o)id} …
-ploid — comb. form Biol. forming adjectives denoting the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell (diploid; polyploid). Etymology: after HAPLOID … Useful english dictionary
eu|ploid — «YOO ployd», adjective. Genetics. having a number of chromosomes which is a multiple of the haploid number for the species. ╂[< eu + (ha) ploid] … Useful english dictionary
hy|per|ploid — «HY puhr ployd», adjective, noun. Biology. –adj. having or denoting a chromosome number greater than, but not a multiple of, the diploid number for the species. –n. a hyperploid number of chromosomes. ╂[< hyper + (di)ploid] … Useful english dictionary