- podilegous
- po·dil·e·gous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
podilegous — pəˈdiləgəs adjective Etymology: pod + i + Greek legein to gather + English ous more at legend : gathering pollen by means of a pollen brush on the legs podilegous bees compare gastrilegous … Useful english dictionary
podilegous — adj. [Gr. pous, foot; legere, to collect] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) Having pollen baskets on the legs … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gastrilegous — (ˈ)ga|striləgəs adjective Etymology: gastr + Latin legere to gather + English ous more at legend : gathering pollen by means of a pollen brush on the abdomen gastrilegous bees compare podilegous … Useful english dictionary