- polychaete
- poly·chaete
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
polychaete — [päl′i kēt΄] n. [< ModL Polychaeta < Gr polychaitēs, with much hair < poly , POLY + chaitē, hair] any of a class (Polychaeta) of mostly marine, annelid worms, having on most segments a pair of fleshy, leglike appendages bearing numerous… … English World dictionary
Polychaete — Taxobox fossil range = Cambrian (or earlier?) present name = Polychaetes image width = 250px image caption = A variety of marine worms : plate from Das Meer by M. J. Schleiden (1804–1881). regnum = Animalia phylum = Annelida classis = Polychaeta… … Wikipedia
polychaete — /pol i keet /, n. 1. any annelid of the class Polychaeta, having unsegmented swimming appendages with many setae or bristles. adj. 2. Also, polychaetous. belonging or pertaining to the Polychaeta. [1885 90; < NL Polychaeta < Gk polychaítes having … Universalium
polychaete — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek polychaitēs having much hair, from poly + chaitē long hair Date: 1896 any of a class (Polychaeta) of chiefly marine annelid worms (as clam worms) usually with paired segmental appendages, separate sexes, and… … New Collegiate Dictionary
polychaete hypothesis — ▪ paleontology theory that conodonts (minute toothlike structures found as fossils in marine rocks) are parts of the jaw apparatus of polychaete worms, a class of the annelid, or segmented, worms. Conodonts resemble the jaws (scolecodonts)… … Universalium
polychaete worm — noun chiefly marine annelids possessing both sexes and having paired appendages (parapodia) bearing bristles • Syn: ↑polychaete, ↑polychete, ↑polychete worm • Hypernyms: ↑annelid, ↑annelid worm, ↑segmented worm … Useful english dictionary
Polychaete — Polychaeta Polychaeta (Polychètes) … Wikipédia en Français
polychaete — [ pɒlɪki:t] noun Zoology a marine worm of the order Polychaeta; a bristle worm. Origin from mod. L. Polychaeta, from Gk polu many + khaitē mane … English new terms dictionary
polychaete — pol•y•chaete [[t]ˈpɒl ɪˌkit[/t]] n. 1) ivt any of various marine annelid worms of the class Polychaeta, having regularly paired body bristles and often other appendages 2) ivt Also, pol y•chae′tous. belonging or pertaining to the Polychaeta •… … From formal English to slang
polychaete — /ˈpɒlikit/ (say poleekeet) noun 1. any of the Polychaeta, a group or division of annelids having unsegmented swimming appendages (parapodia) with many chaetae or bristles, and including most of the common marine worms. –adjective Also,… …