- polymnite
- pol·ym·nite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Polymnite — Pol ym*nite, n. [Gr. ? full of moss; poly s much + ? moss.] (Min.) A stone marked with dendrites and black lines, and so disposed as to represent rivers, marshes, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polymnite — noun A stone marked with dendrites and black lines, and so disposed as to represent rivers, marshes, etc … Wiktionary
polymnite — ˈpälə̇mˌnīt, pəˈlim noun ( s) Etymology: Greek polymnios full of moss (from poly + mnion moss, seaweed) + English ite more at mnium : a stone marked with dendrites and black lines so disposed as to suggest rivers and marshes … Useful english dictionary