- populationist
- pop·u·la·tion·ist
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
populaţionist — populaţioníst adj. m., pl. populaţioníşti; f. sg. populaţionístă, pl. populaţioníste Trimis de siveco, 24.09.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic POPULAŢIONÍST, Ă adj. care favorizează creşterea populaţiei. (< fr … Dicționar Român
populationist — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈlāsh(ə)nə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: population + ist 1. : an advocate of population control (as Malthusianism) 2. : demographer … Useful english dictionary
Nordic race — Meyers Blitz Lexikon (Leipzig, 1932) shows a famous German war hero (Karl von Müller) as an example of the Nordic type. The Nordic race is one of the racial subcategories into which the Caucasian race was divided by anthropologists in the first… … Wikipedia
Nazism and race — Part of a series on Nazism … Wikipedia
Jean Bodin — (1529/1530 ndash;1596)was born in Angers, France, and became a French jurist and political philosopher, member of the Parlement (not to be confused with the English Parliament ) of Paris and professor of Law in Toulouse. He is best known for his… … Wikipedia
Social interpretations of race — Social interpretation of physical variation Incongruities of racial classifications Even as the idea of race was becoming a powerful organizing principle in many societies, the shortcomings of the concept were apparent. In the Old World, the… … Wikipedia
Family — For other uses, see Family (disambiguation). Relationships … Wikipedia
Birth control — For other uses, see Birth control (disambiguation). Birth control is an umbrella term for several techniques and methods used to prevent fertilization or to interrupt pregnancy at various stages. Birth control techniques and methods include… … Wikipedia
Populationistik — (neulat.), Bevölkerungslehre; Bevölkerungsstatistik (vgl. Bevölkerung); Populationist, Bevölkerungsstatistiker oder Theoretiker … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Austria — Austrian, adj., n. /aw stree euh/, n. a republic in central Europe. 8,054,078; 32,381 sq. mi. (83,865 sq. km). Cap.: Vienna. German, Österreich. * * * Austria Introduction Austria Background: Once the center of power for the large Austro… … Universalium