- precipitinogenic
- pre·cip·i·tin·o·gen·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
precipitinogenic — causing precipitation Causation and Formation … Phrontistery dictionary
precipitinogenic — adjective see precipitinogen * * * precipitinogenˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑precipitin … Useful english dictionary
Causation and Formation — These words refer to causation, formation, origination, production, growth, development or generation. While this might seem like a pretty broad category, all of the words in the list derive from the single Greek word genesis, which can have all… … Phrontistery dictionary
precipitinogen — [prē sip΄ə tin′ə jən, prē sip΄ə tin′əjen΄; prisip΄ə tin′ə jən, prisip΄ə tin′ə jen΄] n. [ PRECIPITIN + O + GEN] the antigen that produces a precipitin precipitinogenic [pri sip΄ə tin′əjen′ik] adj … English World dictionary