- premonstratensian
- pre·mon·stra·ten·sian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Premonstratensian — Pre*mon stra*ten sian, n. [F. pr[ e]montr[ e], fr. Pr[ e]montr[ e], fr. L. pratum monstratum.] (R. C. Ch.) One of a religious order of regular canons founded by St. Norbert at Pr[ e]montr[ e], in France, in 1119. The members of the order are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Premonstratensian — … Wikipedia
Premonstratensian Canons — • Religious order founded in 1120 by St. Norbert Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Premonstratensian Canons Premonstratensian Canons … Catholic encyclopedia
Premonstratensian Church (Košice) — The Premonstratensian church ( sk. Premonštrátny kostol), initially Jesuitical church (Slovak: Jezuitský kostol ), is the most valuable Baroque object of Košice, Slovakia, especially notable for its interior.It the Middle Ages, the Royal House (a … Wikipedia
Premonstratensian — noun Etymology: Medieval Latin praemonstratensis, from praemonstratensis of Prémontré, from Praemonstratus Prémontré Date: 1695 a member of an order of canons regular founded by St. Norbert at Prémontré near Laon, France, in 1120 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Premonstratensian — ▪ religious order byname White Canon , or Norbertine , member of Order of the Canons Regular of Prémontré , abbreviation O. Praem. a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1120 by St. Norbert of Xanten (Norbert of Xanten, Saint),… … Universalium
Premonstratensian — [ˌpri:mɒnstrə tɛnsɪən] noun a monk or nun of an order founded at Prémontré in France in 1120. adjective relating to this order. Origin from med. L. Praemonstratensis, from Praemonstratus (lit. foreshown ), the L. name of the abbey of Prémontré,… … English new terms dictionary
Premonstratensian — order of canons derived from the Augustinians, founded in 1121 … Medieval glossary
premonstratensian — adj. & n. hist. adj. of or relating to an order of regular canons founded at Preacutemontreacute in France in 1120, or of the corresponding order of nuns. n. a member of either of these orders. Etymology: med.L Praemonstratensis f. Praemonstratus … Useful english dictionary
Premonstratensian Canons — Members of the order founded by St norbert in the twelfth century … Who’s Who in Christianity