

English syllables. 2014.

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  • pro|lif´ic|ly — pro|lif|ic «pruh LIHF ihk», adjective. 1. producing may offspring: »Rabbits are prolific animals. 2. producing much: »a prolific tree, a prolific garden, a prolific writer, Figurative. a prolific imagination. SYNONYM(S): fertile. 3. characterized …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|ic — «pruh LIHF ihk», adjective. 1. producing may offspring: »Rabbits are prolific animals. 2. producing much: »a prolific tree, a prolific garden, a prolific writer, Figurative. a prolific imagination. SYNONYM(S): fertile. 3. characterized by… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro´-lif´er — pro life «PROH LYF», adjective. = right to life. (Cf. ↑right to life) –pro´ lif´er, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|i|ca|cy — «pruh LIHF uh kuh see», noun. the quality or state of being prolific: »The only feature which keeps oysters from extinction is their prolificacy (Hegner and Stiles) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif´ic|ness — pro|lif|ic «pruh LIHF ihk», adjective. 1. producing may offspring: »Rabbits are prolific animals. 2. producing much: »a prolific tree, a prolific garden, a prolific writer, Figurative. a prolific imagination. SYNONYM(S): fertile. 3. characterized …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif´er|ous|ly — pro|lif|er|ous «proh LIHF uhr uhs», adjective. 1. producing new individuals, as by budding or cell division. 2. producing an addition from a part that is normally ultimate, such as a shoot or a new flower from the midst of a flower. ╂[<… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|er|ous — «proh LIHF uhr uhs», adjective. 1. producing new individuals, as by budding or cell division. 2. producing an addition from a part that is normally ultimate, such as a shoot or a new flower from the midst of a flower. ╂[< Medieval Latin… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|er|ate — «proh LIHF uh rayt», intransitive verb, transitive verb, at|ed, at|ing. 1. to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division. 2. to multiply; spread; propagate: »These conferences proliferate like measles spots (Harper …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|er|a|tion — «proh LIHF uh RAY shuhn», noun. 1. reproduction, as by budding or cell division. 2. a spreading; propagation: »The draft of the test ban treaty contained an expression of desire to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons (Seymour Topping).… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|lif|er|a|tive — «proh LIHF uh RAY tihv», adjective. characterized by or tending to proliferation: »proliferative cancer cells …   Useful english dictionary

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