- prolabium
- pro·la·bi·um
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Prolabium — Prolabium, lat., die Vorlippe … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
prolabium — 1. The exposed carmine margin of the lip. 2. The isolated central soft tissue segment of the upper lip in the embryonic state and in an unrepaired bilateral cleft palate. [pro + L. labium, lip] * * * pro·la·bi·um prō lā bē əm … Medical dictionary
prolabium — prōˈlābēəm noun Etymology: New Latin, from pro (I) + Latin labium lip more at lip : the exposed part of a lip; especially … Useful english dictionary
Philtrum — The area from below the nose to the upper lip. Normally the philtrum is grooved. In fetal alcohol syndrome, the philtrum is flat. * * * 1. A philter or love potion. 2. [NA] The infranasal depression; the groove in the midline of the upper lip. [L … Medical dictionary