- protonephridium
- pro·to·nephridium
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
protonephridium — [prōt΄ō nē frid′ē əm, prōt΄ōnəfrid′ē əm] n. 〚 PROTO + NEPHRIDIUM〛 Zool. a tubular, excretory structure in certain invertebrates, as flatworms, rotifers, and some larvae, usually ending internally in flame cells and having an external pore * * * … Universalium
protonephridium — [prōt΄ō nē frid′ē əm, prōt΄ōnəfrid′ē əm] n. [ PROTO + NEPHRIDIUM] Zool. a tubular, excretory structure in certain invertebrates, as flatworms, rotifers, and some larvae, usually ending internally in flame cells and having an external pore … English World dictionary
Protonephridium — Als Nephridium (gr. nephros – Niere) bezeichnet man ein Organ zur Ausscheidung giftiger Abbauprodukte. Im Tierreich gibt es mehrere Typen von Nephridien: Protonephridien: Sie sind die einfachsten Ausscheidungsorgane und kommen hauptsächlich bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
protonephridium — n. [Gr. protos, first; nephron, kidney] Nephridium having a flame cell or solenocyte at its proximal end; found in coelomate, pseudocoelomate and acoelomate animals … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
protonephridium — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from prot + nephridium 1. : the duct of a flame cell 2. : a nephridium equipped with a solenocyte compare metanephridium … Useful english dictionary
Nephridium — A Nephridium (plural nephridia) is an invertebrate organ which occurs in pairs and function similar to kidneys. Nephridia remove metabolic wastes from an animal s body. They are present in many different invertebrate lines. There are two basic… … Wikipedia
Entoprocta — Kelchwürmer Barentsa discreta Systematik Unterreich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kamptozoa — Kelchwürmer Barentsa discreta Systematik Unterreich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kamtozoa — Kelchwürmer Barentsa discreta Systematik Unterreich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kelchtiere — Kelchwürmer Barentsa discreta Systematik Unterreich: Vielzellige Tiere (Metazoa) … Deutsch Wikipedia