- proventricular
- pro·ven·tric·u·lar
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Proventricular Dilatation Disease — is a disease affecting psittacines (Parrots). It was first recognized and described in 1978 by Dr. Hannis L. Stoddard. Since the first reported cases were involving species of Macaw, the condition was termed Macaw Wasting Syndrome.ymptomsThe… … Wikipedia
proventricular — adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
proventricular — See proventriculus. * * * … Universalium
proventricular — |prōven.|trikyələ(r) adjective Etymology: New Latin proventriculus + English ar : of or relating to a proventriculus … Useful english dictionary
proventricular valvule — (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Diptera, a circular fold of the intestinal wall in Tipuloidea … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Psittacine Proventricular Dilatation — Die Drüsenmagendilatation (Syn.: Neurogene oder Neuropathische Drüsenmagendilatation, Myogene Ganglioneuritis, Macaw Wasting Disease, Psittacine Proventricular Dilatation, PPD) ist eine schwere Erkrankung des Nervensystems bei Großpapageien, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
proventriculus — proventricular, adj. /proh ven trik yeuh leuhs/, n., pl. proventriculi / trik yeuh luy /. 1. the glandular portion of the stomach of birds, in which food is partially digested before passing to the ventriculus or gizzard. 2. a similar enlargement … Universalium
Dilatación del proventrículo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La enfermedad de dilatación proventricular (PDD) es una enfermedad viral que afecta a las psitaciformes (loros). Fue reconocida y descrita primeramente por el Dr. Hannis L. Stoddard en 1978. Dado que los primeros… … Wikipedia Español
Drüsenmagendilatation — Die Drüsenmagendilatation (Syn.: Neurogene oder Neuropathische Drüsenmagendilatation, Myogene Ganglioneuritis, Macaw Wasting Disease, Psittacine Proventricular Dilatation, PPD) ist eine schwere Erkrankung des Nervensystems bei Großpapageien, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dilatation du proventricule — La Dilatation du proventricule ou syndrome de dilatation du proventricule (PPDS syndrome psittacine proventricular dilatation syndrome ou PDD de Proventricular dilatation disease est une maladie qui touche principalement les Psittacidae. Cette… … Wikipédia en Français