- pseudorabies
- pseu·do·rabies
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Pseudorabies — Taxobox virus group = i familia = Herpesviridae genus = Varicellovirus species = Pseudorabies virus ( Suid herpesvirus 1 (SHV 1))Pseudorabies is a viral disease in swine that is endemic in most parts of the world. It is caused by porcine… … Wikipedia
Pseudorabies — Die Aujeszkysche Krankheit (auch Morbus Aujeszky, Pseudowut, Pseudorabies, Juckseuche, Juckpest, Mad itch, Infektiöse Bulbärparalyse) ist eine durch das Aujeszky Virus hervorgerufene anzeigepflichtige Tierseuche. Der Erreger gehört zur Familie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pseudorabies vaccine — any of several vaccines used for immunization of swine against pseudorabies. Four types are used: one using an attenuated virus, one with an inactivated virus, one with a thymidine kinase–deficient virus, and a subunit vaccine … Medical dictionary
pseudorabies virus — a virus of the genus Varicellovirus that causes pseudorabies. Called also suid herpesvirus 1 … Medical dictionary
pseudorabies — /sooh doh ray beez/, n. Vet. Pathol. a highly contagious, usually fatal disease of cattle, sheep, and other animals, caused by the herpesvirus Herpes suis, and characterized by severe pruritus and progressive central nervous system involvement… … Universalium
pseudorabies — pseu·do·ra·bies rā bēz n an acute febrile virus disease of domestic animals (as cattle and swine) that is caused by a herpesvirus of the genus Varicellovirus (species Suid herpesvirus 1) and that is marked by cutaneous irritation and intense… … Medical dictionary
pseudorabies — “+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from pseud + rabies : an acute febrile virus disease of domestic animals (as cattle, swine) marked by cutaneous irritation and intense itching followed by encephalomyelitis and pharyngeal paralysis and commonly… … Useful english dictionary
Aujeszky disease — pseudorabies … Medical dictionary
Aujeszky itch — pseudorabies … Medical dictionary
бешенство ложное — (pseudorabies) см. Ауески болезнь … Большой медицинский словарь