- aurignacian
- au·ri·gna·cian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Aurignacian — is the name of a culture of the Upper Palaeolithic located in Europe and southwest Asia. It dates to between 32,000 and 26,000 BC. The name originates from the type site of Aurignac in the Haute Garonne area of France. The Aurignacian culture is… … Wikipedia
aurignacian — AURIGNACIÁN s.n. (geol.) Primul subetaj al paleoliticului superior, caracterizat prin unelte de silex fin şi prin apariţia uneltelor de os. // adj. Care aparţine acestui subetaj. [pron. a u rig na ci an. / < fr. aurignacien, cf. Aurignac –… … Dicționar Român
Aurignacian — [ô΄rig nā′shən] adj. [Fr Aurignacien, after Aurignac, village in S France, in whose caves artifacts were discovered] designating or of an Upper Paleolithic culture, characterized by stone tools called burins which were used for carving wood, bone … English World dictionary
Aurignacian culture — Stone tool industry and artistic tradition of Upper Paleolithic Europe, named after the village of Aurignac in southern France where the tradition was first identified. The Aurignacian period dates to 35,000–15,000 BC. Its tools included scrapers … Universalium
aurignacian man — noun Usage: usually capitalized A 1. or aurignacian race : man (Homo sapiens) of the Aurignacian period: as a. : combe capelle man … Useful english dictionary
aurignacian race — noun see aurignacian man 1 … Useful english dictionary
Aurignacian — adjective Etymology: French aurignacien, from Aurignac, France Date: 1909 of or relating to an Upper Paleolithic culture marked by finely made artifacts of stone and bone, paintings, and engravings … New Collegiate Dictionary
Aurignacian — /awr in yay sheuhn/, adj. of, belonging to, or typical of an Upper Paleolithic industry with characteristic stone and bone artifacts that is distributed from western France to eastern Europe and the Middle East. [1910 15; AURIGNAC + IAN] * * * … Universalium
Aurignacian — adj. of or pertaining to the Upper Paleolithic cultures characterized by the use of rough stone or bone tools and the creation of simple cave drawings … English contemporary dictionary
Aurignacian — [ˌɔ:rɪ njeɪʃ(ə)n, ˌɔ:rɪg neɪ ] adjective Archaeology relating to or denoting the early stages of the Upper Palaeolithic culture in Europe and the Near East, dated to about 34,000–29,000 years ago. Origin early 20th cent.: from Fr. Aurignacien,… … English new terms dictionary