

English syllables. 2014.

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  • quintuplicate — [kwin to͞o′pli kāt΄, kwintyo͞o′pli kāt΄; ] for adj. & n. [, kwin to͞o′plikit, kwin tyo͞o′plikit, kwin to͞o′ plikāt΄, kwin tyo͞o′plikāt΄] vt. quintuplicated, quintuplicating [LL quintuplicatus, pp. of quintuplicare, to quintuple < quintuplex:… …   English World dictionary

  • quintuplicate — I. adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin quintuplicatus, past participle of quintuplicare to quintuple, from quintuplus quintuple Date: 1656 1. consisting of or existing in five corresponding or identical parts or examples < quintuplicate invoices… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quintuplicate — quintuplication, n. n., adj. /kwin tooh pli kit, tyooh /; v. /kwin tooh pli kayt , tyooh /, n., adj., v., quintuplicated, quintuplicating. n. 1. a group, series, or set of five copies or identical items, esp. copies of typewritten matter. 2. in… …   Universalium

  • quintuplicate — adj. & v. adj. 1 fivefold. 2 of which five copies are made. v.tr. & intr. multiply by five. Phrases and idioms: in quintuplicate 1 in five identical copies. 2 in groups of five. Etymology: F quintuple f. L quintus fifth, after QUADRUPLICATE …   Useful english dictionary

  • quintuplicate — 1. adjective a) multiplied by five b) being the fifth in a set of five 2. noun a) a set of five like or identical things …   Wiktionary

  • quintuplicate — kwɪn tuːplɪkÉ™t / tju v. multiply by 5, increase fivefold; copy five times, make 5 copies adj. five times greater, fivefold …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quintuplicate — adjective 1》 fivefold. 2》 of which five copies are made. verb multiply by five …   English new terms dictionary

  • quintuplicate — quin•tu•pli•cate n., adj. [[t]kwɪnˈtu plɪ kɪt, ˈtyu [/t]] v. [[t] ˌkeɪt[/t]] n. adj. v. cat•ed, cat•ing 1) cvb a group or set of five copies or identical items 2) cvb one of five copies or identical items 3) cvb having or consisting of five… …   From formal English to slang

  • quintuplicate — adjective /kwɪnˈtjuplɪkət/ (say kwin tyoohplikuht) 1. fivefold; quintuple. –noun /kwɪnˈtjuplɪkət/ (say kwin tyoohplikuht) 2. one of five things; five copies of a document. –verb (t) /kwɪnˈtjupləkeɪt/ (say kwin tyoohpluhkayt) (quintuplicated,… …  

  • in quintuplicate — in five identical copies ■ in groups of five …   Useful english dictionary

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