- austinite
- aus·tin·ite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Austinite — may be: * a rare secondary mineral (brown, colorless, green, yellowish white, or white) found in the oxidized zone of some arsenic rich base metal deposits * an inhabitant of Austin, Texas * a misspelling of austenite … Wikipedia
Austinite — noun see Austin VI … New Collegiate Dictionary
austinite — noun a) A secondary mineral found in the oxidized zone of some arsenic rich base metal deposits. b) A misspelling of austenite … Wiktionary
austinite — ˈȯstə̇ˌnīt, ˈäs noun ( s) Etymology: Austin F. Rogers died 1957 American mineralogist + English ite : a mineral CaZn(AsO4)(OH) consisting of a basic calcium zinc arsenate (hardness 4.5, specific gravity 4.13) … Useful english dictionary
Austinit — (farblos) auf Konichalcit (grün) aus der Gold Hill Mine (Western Utah Mine), Deep Creek Mountains, Utah, USA Chemische Formel CaZn[OH|AsO4][1] … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of minerals A-B (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Austin — I. biographical name Alfred 1835 1913 English poet; laureate (1896 1913) II. biographical name John 1790 1859 English jurist III. biographical name John Langshaw 1911 1960 English philosopher IV. biographical name Mary 1868 1934 née Hunter… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Demonym — A demonym ( /ˈdɛm … Wikipedia
Music of Austin — The music of Austin, Texas, USA has gone beyond 6th Street and now includes other areas such as Red River, the University of Texas, the Warehouse District and Downtown, South Lamar, South Austin, East Austin and the Market District where bars and … Wikipedia
Bergstrom Air Force Base — Part of Strategic Air Command/T … Wikipedia