- recuperativeness
- re·cu·per·a·tive·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
recuperativeness — noun see recuperative … Useful english dictionary
recuperative — recuperativeness, n. /ri kooh peuhr euh tiv, peuh ray tiv, kyooh /, adj. 1. that recuperates. 2. having the power of recuperating. 3. pertaining to recuperation: recuperative powers. Also, recuperatory /ri kooh peuhr euh tawr ee, tohr ee, kyooh / … Universalium
recuperative — /rəˈkuprətɪv/ (say ruh koohpruhtiv), / pərətɪv/ (say puhruhtiv) adjective 1. that recuperates. 2. having the power of recuperating. 3. relating to recuperation: recuperative powers. Also, recuperatory /rəˈkupərətri/ (say ruh koohpuhruhtree).… …