

English syllables. 2014.

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  • retardatory — dəˌtōrē, tȯr , ri adjective Etymology: retardate (I) + ory : retarding, retardative …   Useful english dictionary

  • retardation — retardative /ri tahr deuh tiv/, retardatory /ri tahr deuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /ree tahr day sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of retarding or state of being retarded. 2. something that retards; hindrance. 3. slowness or limitation in intellectual… …   Universalium

  • retardation — /ritaˈdeɪʃən/ (say reetah dayshuhn) noun 1. the act of retarding. 2. the state of being retarded. 3. that which retards; a hindrance. 4. Physics deceleration; rate of decrease of velocity; negative acceleration. Also, retardment /rəˈtadmənt/ (say …  

  • retardation — [rē΄tär dā′shən] n. [ME < L retardatio] 1. a retarding or being retarded 2. something that retards; hindrance 3. short for MENTAL RETARDATION 4. a decrease in velocity 5. the amount that something is retarded retardative …   English World dictionary

  • retard — v. & n. 1 make slow or late. 2 delay the progress, development, arrival, or accomplishment of. n. retardation. Phrases and idioms: in retard delayed, in the rear. Derivatives: retardant adj. & n. retardation n. retardative adj. retardatory… …   Useful english dictionary

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