- abstriction
- ab·stric·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
abstriction — [ab strik′shən] n. [< L ab , from + strictio, a binding < strictus, pp. of stringere: see STRINGENT] Bot. any natural separation of a spore from its sporophore … English World dictionary
abstriction — /ab strik sheuhn/, n. Mycol. a method of spore formation in fungi in which successive portions of the sporophore are cut off through the growth of septa; abjunction. [1640 50; AB + STRICTION] * * * … Universalium
abstriction — noun A method of spore formation in fungi in which successive portions of the sporophore are cut off through the growth of septa; abjunction … Wiktionary
abstriction — In fungi, the formation of asexual spores by cutting off portions of the sporophore through the growth of dividing partitions. [L. ab , from, + strictura, a contraction] … Medical dictionary
abstriction — ab•stric•tion [[t]æbˈstrɪk ʃən[/t]] n. fng a method of spore formation in fungi in which successive portions of the sporophore are cut off through the growth of septa; abjunction • Etymology: 1640–50; ab + LL strictiō constriction. See strict,… … From formal English to slang
abstriction — /əbˈstrɪkʃən/ (say uhb strikshuhn) noun Botany a method of spore formation in which successive portions of the sporophore are cut off by the growth of septa. {from ab 1 + Latin strictio a drawing together} …
abstriction — ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷shən noun Etymology: ab (I) + Late Latin striction , strictio act of pressing together, from Latin strictus + ion , io ion : the formation of spores by the cutting off of usually successive terminal portions of the sporophore through the … Useful english dictionary
abjunction — (ˈ)ab|jəŋ(k)shən noun ( s) Etymology: ab (I) + junction botany : abstriction * * * /ab jungk sheuhn/, n. Mycol. abstriction. [AB + JUNCTION] … Useful english dictionary
abjunction — /ab jungk sheuhn/, n. Mycol. abstriction. [AB + JUNCTION] * * * … Universalium
abstrict — /ab strikt /, v.i. to undergo abstriction. [1890 95; AB + L strictus bound, drawn tight; see STRICT] * * * … Universalium