

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Sambhar — Sambhar, großer Salzsee in den britisch ind. Tributärstaaten Dschaipur und Dschodpur in der Landschaft Radschputana, seit 1870 von der englischen Regierung gepachtet, die bei der Salzgewinnung über 420,000 Arbeiter beschäftigt und einen… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Sambhar — En el Sur de la India se toma como desayuno junto con Idly, el Sambhar y Vada todo ello servido en una hoja de banana. Es de notar los platos y las copas de acero inoxidable muy típicas de la cocina del Sur de la India. El Sambar o sambhar (Tamil …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sambhar — Original name in latin Smbhar Name in other language Sambhar, Sambhar Lake, Sambkhara, Smbhar, Самбхара State code IN Continent/City Asia/Kolkata longitude 26.90806 latitude 75.19137 altitude 379 Population 22828 Date 2012 03 24 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • sambhar — noun see sambar * * * samber, sambhar, sambhur var. ff. sambur …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sambhar, Rajasthan — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction native name = Sambhar | type = city | latd = 26.92 | longd = 75.2 locator position = right | state name = Rajasthan district = Jaipur leader title = leader name = altitude = 367 population as of = 2001 population total …   Wikipedia

  • Sambhar Salt Lake — Infobox lake lake name = Sambhar Salt Lake image lake = lake sambhar.jpg caption lake = image bathymetry = caption bathymetry = location = Rajasthan, India coords = coord|26|58|N|75|05|E|region:IN RJ type:waterbody source:GNS… …   Wikipedia

  • sambhar — [ sα:mbα:] noun a spicy south Indian dish of lentils and vegetables. Origin from Tamil cāmpār, via Marathi from Sanskrit sambhāra collection, materials …   English new terms dictionary

  • Sambhar Lake — Salt lake, east central Rajasthan state, India. Located west of Jaipur, it is about 90 sq mi (230 sq km) in area and is India s largest lake. The soluble sodium compounds stored in the lake s underlying silt have accumulated by the evaporation of …   Universalium

  • Sambhar Salt Lake — ▪ lake, India       ephemeral salt lake, the largest lake in India, situated in east central Rajasthan (Rājasthān) state, west of Jaipur. About 90 square miles (230 square km) in area, it represents a depression of the Aravalli Range. The soluble …   Universalium

  • Sambhar, lago — Lago salado del centro este del estado de Rajasthan en India. Situado al este de Jaipur y de unos 230 km2 (90 mi2), es el lago más grande de India. Los compuestos de sodio soluble se han acumulado en el légamo del fondo por la evaporación del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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