- sanskritization
- san·skrit·iza·tion
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
sanskritization — See caste … Dictionary of sociology
sanskritization — ˌsanzˌkrid.ə̇ˈzāshən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: sanskritize + ation 1. : the assimilation of a language to Sanskrit in vocabulary, syntax, or style 2. : the assimilation of a culture to that of Brahmini … Useful english dictionary
Hinduism — /hin dooh iz euhm/, n. the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many… … Universalium
Sanskritisation — may also refer to introduction of Sanskrit vocabulary in another language or dialect (such as Khariboli). Sanskritisation is a term coined by the eminent Indian sociologist, M.N.Srinivas, to denote the process by which castes placed lower in the… … Wikipedia
Religious conversion — The Conversion of Saint Paul, a 1600 painting by Italian artist Caravaggio (1571–1610) Part of a series on the Religious conversion Types … Wikipedia
Caste system in India — Caste (Sanskrit: Gyati ज्ञाति , Hindi: Biradari बिरादरी, samaj समाज, jati जाति etc , Urdu Zat ज़ात ) is an endogamous group. Generally a sub caste is divided into Exogamous groups based on same gotras गोत्र. The Indian caste system describes the… … Wikipedia
People of Assam — The people of Assam inhabit a multi ethnic, multi linguistic and multi religious society. They speak languages that belong to three main language groups: Austro Asiatic, Tibeto Burman and Indo Aryan. The large number of ethnic and linguistic… … Wikipedia
Ethnicity and caste in Nepal — Caste = main article CasteCaste systems are hereditary systems of social class in many parts of the world. Today, it is most commonly associated with the Indian caste system and the Varna in Hinduism. In a caste society, the assignment of… … Wikipedia
Caste — Castes are hereditary systems of , endogamy, social culture, social class, and political power. In a caste society, the assignment of individuals to places in the social hierarchy is determined by social group and cultural heritage. Although… … Wikipedia
Dravidian languages — For other uses, see Dravidian (disambiguation). Dravidian Geographic distribution: South Asia Linguistic classification: Dravidian Proto language: Proto Dravidian Subdivisions: Northern Cen … Wikipedia