- sanskritize
- san·skrit·ize
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
sanskritize — ˈsanzkrəˌtīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: sanskrit + ize : to modify (a word, phrase, or language) to conform to characteristics distinctive of Sanskrit the interpreters grasp of Hindi is said to be sound but… … Useful english dictionary
C. Rajagopalachari — Chakravarti Rajagopalachari சக்ரவர்த்தி ராஜகோபாலாச்சாரி Chakravarti Rajagopalachari at a public function in 1948 Governor General of India In office 2 … Wikipedia
Kamrupi — (Assamese: কামৰুপি, Bengali: কামরুপি) is the language that was spoken in the Kamarupa kingdom in the first millennium, which, some linguists claim, gave rise to or influenced various eastern Indo European languages like Assamese and Bengali.… … Wikipedia
vegetarianism — Vegetarianism is highly valued in Indian cul ture. In general orthodox BRAHMINS will eat neither meat nor eggs. Castes who desire to gain respect and perhaps eventual advancement in the hierarchy will adopt vegetarianism as a way to… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
sanskritization — ˌsanzˌkrid.ə̇ˈzāshən noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: sanskritize + ation 1. : the assimilation of a language to Sanskrit in vocabulary, syntax, or style 2. : the assimilation of a culture to that of Brahmini … Useful english dictionary