- saurophagous
- sau·roph·a·gous
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
saurophagous — eating lizards Feeding and Eating … Phrontistery dictionary
saurophagous — (ˈ)sȯ|räfəgəs adjective Etymology: saur + phagous : feeding on lizards … Useful english dictionary
San Diego Mountain Kingsnake — The San Diego Mountain Kingsnake ( Lampropeltis zonata pulchra ) is a snake native to Southern California. Its state level conservation status is Species of Special Concern . This article has been taken directly from a 2003 public domain report… … Wikipedia
Feeding and Eating — Like many people, I enjoy eating perhaps too much so. This list of 113 words describes different things one could eat, although a human would have to be pretty desperate to eat lice or limestone. Then again, I ve eaten at McDonald s hundreds of… … Phrontistery dictionary
saurian — a.,n. (animal) belonging to order including crocodiles, lizards, etc. ♦ saurophagous, a. eating lizards … Dictionary of difficult words