- schlimazl
- schli·mazl
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
schlimazl — noun see schlimazel … Useful english dictionary
schlimazel — /shli mah zeuhl/, n. Slang. an inept, bungling person who suffers from unremitting bad luck. Also, schlimazl, shlimazel, shlimazl. [1945 50; < Yiddish, equiv. to shlim bad (cf. MHG slimp wrong) + mazl luck < ModHeb mazzal] * * * … Universalium
schlimazel — (shlih MAH zl) [Yiddish, from German and Hebrew] In slang, an awkward, inept person who is plagued by bad luck. Also written as schlimazl, shlimazl … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
schlemazl — (shlih MAH zl) [Yiddish, from German and Hebrew] In slang, an awkward, inept person who is plagued by bad luck. Also written as schlimazl, shlimazl … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
LENSKI, ḤAYYIM — (1905–1942), Hebrew poet. Born in the town of Slonim, district of Grodno, Russia, Lenski spent his childhood and early youth in his grandfather s home in the townlet of Derechin. Late in 1921 he left to study at the Hebrew Teachers Seminary in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism