- scripturalist
- scrip·tur·al·ist
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Scripturalist — Scrip tur*al*ist, n. One who adheres literally to the Scriptures. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
scripturalist — ələ̇st noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: scriptural + ist 1. : one who derives his religious beliefs and general philosophy of life from a body of scripture teaching a single harmonious system of doctrine 2. : one learned in or a… … Useful english dictionary
Zikri — The Zikri ( ar. ذكرى) faith is an offshoot of Islam concentrated in Makran, Balochistan (Pakistan and Iran). The name Zikri comes from the Arabic word dhikr (pronounced Zikr in South Asia). The word is commonly used to describe Sufi worship.… … Wikipedia
Bibliography of work on Objectivism — Ayn Rand and Objectivism have become the subjects of an extensive body of literature, both in favor of Objectivist ideals, and critical. There follows a general bibliography of major works dealing with Rand s ideology of Objectivism. Works by Ayn … Wikipedia
Muhammad Amin al-Astarabadi — (died 1627) was an Iranian theologian and founder or proponent of the conservative (akhbari) strand in Twelver Shi a Islamic belief, that is, those who favor hadith over fatwās. Astarabadi saw himself as a reviver of a lost tradition. He was… … Wikipedia
scripturist — pchərə̇st, psh(ə)r noun ( s) Usage: sometimes capitalized Etymology: scripture + ist : scripturalist … Useful english dictionary