

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Baggataway — Spektakulärer Schuss auf das Tor Lacrosse ist eine Ballsportart, bei der zwei Mannschaften mit je zehn Spielern bzw. zwölf Spielerinnen gegeneinander antreten und versuchen, mit einem Netzschläger den Ball in das gegnerische Tor zu befördern.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • baggataway — /beuh gat euh way /, n. a form of lacrosse as played originally by the Ojibwa Indians. [1800 10; < Ojibwa pa·kaatowe· (he) plays lacrosse] * * * …   Universalium

  • baggataway — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Canadian University Field Lacrosse Association — The Canadian University Field Lacrosse Association (CUFLA) is an association of men’s field lacrosse teams connected with several universities in Ontario and Quebec. [ [ Canadian University Field Lacrosse Registration… …   Wikipedia

  • lacrosse — /leuh kraws , kros /, n. a game, originated by Indians of North America, in which two 10 member teams attempt to send a small ball into each other s netted goal, each player being equipped with a crosse or stick at the end of which is a netted… …   Universalium

  • Lacrosse — es un juego rápido entre dos equipos de diez jugadores cada uno que usan un palo con una red en la parte superior (denominados crosses en frances) para pasar y agarrar una pelota de goma con el objetivo de meter goles embocando la pelota en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lacrosse — Sport imagesize = 225px caption = Lacrosse being played in Finland union = International Lacrosse Federation / International Federation of Women s Lacrosse Associations nickname = Lax first = As early as the 12th century AD, North… …   Wikipedia

  • Native Americans in the United States — This article is about the indigenous people of the United States. For other indigenous people see Indigenous peoples by geographic regions Native Americans …   Wikipedia

  • University of Guelph — Not to be confused with University of Guelph Humber. Coordinates: 43°31′59.8″N 80°13′24.8″W / 43.533278°N 80.223556°W / 43.53327 …   Wikipedia

  • Abtsstab — Bischof Gebhard Fürst (Rottenburg Stuttgart) mit Krummstab Der Krummstab (auch: Abtsstab, Baculus pastoralis, Bischofsstab, Hirtenstab, Pastoralstab und Pedum oder Virga) gehört zu den Pontifikalien und besteht aus einem Schaft und der an seinem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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