

English syllables. 2014.

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  • sextet — SEXTÉT, sextete, s.n. 1. Compoziţie muzicală pentru şase voci sau şase instrumente. ♦ Ansamblu de şase voci sau şase instrumente care execută împreună o compoziţie muzicală. 2. Echipă de volei sau de gimnastică alcătuită din şase jucători sau… …   Dicționar Român

  • sextet — (also sextette) ► NOUN 1) a group of six people playing music or singing together. 2) a composition for a sextet. 3) a set of six. ORIGIN alteration of SESTET(Cf. ↑S), suggested by Latin sex six …   English terms dictionary

  • Sextet — Sex*tet , Sextetto Sex*tet to, n. (Mus.) See {Sestet}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sextet — англ. [сэкстэ/т] Sextett нем. [сэкстэт] секстет …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • sextet — 1841, altered (by influence of Ger. Sextett) from sestet (1801), from It. sestetto, dim. of sesto sixth, from L. sextus (see SEXTUS (Cf. Sextus)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sextet — or sextette [seks tet′] n. [altered by assoc. with L sex, SIX < SESTET] 1. a group of six persons or things 2. Music a) a composition for six voices or six instruments b) a group of six performers of such a composition, or any group o …   English World dictionary

  • Sextet — A sextet is a formation containing exactly six members. It is commonly associated with vocal or musical instrument groups, but can be applied to any situation where six similar or related objects are considered a single unit.Many musical… …   Wikipedia

  • sextet — ⇒SEXTETTE, SEXTET, subst. masc. Orchestre de six musiciens de jazz, de musique légère. Le sextet de Benny Goodman enregistre en 1945 un fameux cru (L Express, 21 août 1972, p. p. 8 ds ROB. 1985). Prononc. et Orth. :[ ]. La forme sextette conserve …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • sextet — [[t]se̱kste̱t[/t]] sextets 1) N COUNT A sextet is a group of six musicians or singers who play or sing together. ...the Paul Rogers Sextet. 2) N COUNT A sextet is a piece of music written for six performers …   English dictionary

  • sextet — UK [ˌseksˈtet] / US [seksˈtet] noun [countable] Word forms sextet : singular sextet plural sextets 1) a) music a group of six musicians or singers b) a piece of music written for a sextet to perform 2) mainly literary a group of six people or… …   English dictionary

  • Sextet — Sextuor Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sextet (Reich). En musique, un sextuor, intermédiaire entre le quintette et le septuor, désigne : un ensemble de six chanteurs ou instrumentistes, une écriture musicale à six parties solistes, avec… …   Wikipédia en Français

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